What are you willing to pay for excellent web hosting? You should be willing to pay quite alot actually (but you dont have to anymore), because having reliable hosting is very important!
Different hosting companies offer a variety of different solutions to the highly varying rates. Companies offering dedicated servers will be significantly more expensive than simple solutions, some financial server space that can be fine for simple needs. Competition from the United States and United Kingdom are reasonably priced compared to what you can find in the Norway of the same quality.
A simple rule should be: Do not just imagine the price, and if you plan to use your site in a professional manner so it is important to forget everything that is called free web hosting (in practice, nothing is free, and the little that is free filled up with advertisements, and several times we have found that those who offer free hosting just delete websites and accounts, which would be disastrous if you have valuable content on the homepage, or if you have built up lasting traffic to your site that you began to make money on).
Different hosting companies offer a variety of different solutions to the highly varying rates. Companies offering dedicated servers will be significantly more expensive than simple solutions, some financial server space that can be fine for simple needs. Competition from the United States and United Kingdom are reasonably priced compared to what you can find in the Norway of the same quality.
A simple rule should be: Do not just imagine the price, and if you plan to use your site in a professional manner so it is important to forget everything that is called free web hosting (in practice, nothing is free, and the little that is free filled up with advertisements, and several times we have found that those who offer free hosting just delete websites and accounts, which would be disastrous if you have valuable content on the homepage, or if you have built up lasting traffic to your site that you began to make money on).
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