Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Facts About ‘Unlimited’ Web Hosting

Should you be shopping around for a new web hosting company, you have most likely seen a lot of marketing materials. Advertisements proclaiming that company A is the best, for such and such reasons, and for an impressive value. Everyone is trying to win you over and to capture your business, and they will say anything to grab your attention. That is why the term “unlimited” is so often used when in web hosting provider’s marketing materials.

The assurance is usually something like “unlimited space” or possibly “unlimited bandwidth”. And you automatically believe: wow! That’s a great deal! I am going to receive server space, a web host and everything I require – and I don’t need to be concerned about my site becoming too large, because my space and bandwidth is unlimited! So you sign up with that provider.

Well, in truth there isn’t any such thing as unlimited web space.

When these businesses promote ‘unlimited’ space, they are depending on their customers using only a small amount of space. Even with limited web hosting packages, few customers ever use more than 75% of the space available – so an internet hosting company realizes that they can offer ‘unlimited’ service because it is unlikely they will actually be required to deliver unlimited web space.

Actually, they have just the same server storage capabilities and constraints as any provider, and they are in fact limited – it just so happens that their limitations are broad, and they can afford to tempt buyers with an ‘unlimited’ offer. The moral here is don’t be misled by the offer of ‘unlimited’ space; only ever buy the volume of web space you require, because you will most likely discover you don’t even need that much.

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