In case, if you are not satisfied with your current web host, the obvious thing you do is change to another web hosting company. It may seem very simple, but in real it is not that easy. So what one do put up with the old one and nag about it? Certainly not, one just has be little cautious, and one can reduce or eliminate the problems that are bound to happen. Here are a few things that one needs to keep in view before altering the host.
First things first make sure if the new web host plan consists of all the requirements you are seeking. These can be the price, hard disk space, scalability, bandwidth, customer support.
Keep a back up of your files most importantly have copy of your website, when you are changing your host. The DNS (Domain Name system) information should be updated; it will take a few days, but until then do not delete your present account. Also till you get new email accounts don’t cancel your previous email accounts. If your previous host was using windows-based server ensure, the new host also offers the same.
First things first make sure if the new web host plan consists of all the requirements you are seeking. These can be the price, hard disk space, scalability, bandwidth, customer support.
Keep a back up of your files most importantly have copy of your website, when you are changing your host. The DNS (Domain Name system) information should be updated; it will take a few days, but until then do not delete your present account. Also till you get new email accounts don’t cancel your previous email accounts. If your previous host was using windows-based server ensure, the new host also offers the same.
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