Plenty of web hosting providers attract clients based on their assurance of nightly, weekly or monthly back ups of the websites they host for you. These back ups are often an important selling point for many buyers, who like the protection it offers. In case of a server crash, your site will be protected no matter what, and restoring it ought to be very simple.
Generally, web hosting companies back ups are a good thing – they offer stability and permit the website owner to feel reassured. However, these plans can promote laxness; and a lot of site owners cease to generate their own back up files when they realize their web hosting company is doing it also. This is a risky mistake; while no one is would discourage you from purchasing a hosting plan that includes back ups by the web host, you should take note of the ongoing need to create your own copies, also.
Web hosting businesses are typically dependable. However, in the event of a server crash and you needing to restore your site, you don’t want to take any chances. You certainly don’t want to discover they have been reneging on their part of the bargain, and have not been making back ups, after you’ve lost your website.
There is no real way to confirm your site is being backed up beyond asking for copies of those back ups. Some web hosts will do this, but even if they do, always continue to make your own back up copies of your website – without fail.
Generally, web hosting companies back ups are a good thing – they offer stability and permit the website owner to feel reassured. However, these plans can promote laxness; and a lot of site owners cease to generate their own back up files when they realize their web hosting company is doing it also. This is a risky mistake; while no one is would discourage you from purchasing a hosting plan that includes back ups by the web host, you should take note of the ongoing need to create your own copies, also.
Web hosting businesses are typically dependable. However, in the event of a server crash and you needing to restore your site, you don’t want to take any chances. You certainly don’t want to discover they have been reneging on their part of the bargain, and have not been making back ups, after you’ve lost your website.
There is no real way to confirm your site is being backed up beyond asking for copies of those back ups. Some web hosts will do this, but even if they do, always continue to make your own back up copies of your website – without fail.
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