Mastering marketing jargon is necessary whenever you are shopping around for a product or service. The method of “selling” themselves to the buyer is exactly the same for web hosting companies; everyone would like your business, and they are completely prepared to promise you the world in an effort to get it.
Recognizing web hosting provider’s marketing jargon is relatively straightforward. The most conspicuous trick is employed with pricing.
For instance, a company may promote their web hosting as “$9.99 per month” – which may appear like a good deal. Many people starting up their own website will like the concept of paying monthly for their web hosting, as it is less of an financial outlay initially.
However, typically, the “per month” number is just the annual cost divided by 12 – you still have to payin advance for the full year, which in this example would be $119.88. That is a considerable monetary outlay; and by that point, you may be ‘sold’ on other features of the plan and will just go ahead and pay it – despite the fact that you may be able to find less costly service elsewhere. The initial cheap cost “per month” is utilized to appeal to the eye and lure you in, and then hit you with the full price when you don’t expect it.
Always keep an eye out for any asterisk use in web hosting advertising. Many companies will show the reality of what they are offering beneath the main sales message; so if you see asterisks, look to find their corresponding area in the terms and conditions. Doing this, you will be immune to flashy marketing banners, and will get a better deal because of it.
Recognizing web hosting provider’s marketing jargon is relatively straightforward. The most conspicuous trick is employed with pricing.
For instance, a company may promote their web hosting as “$9.99 per month” – which may appear like a good deal. Many people starting up their own website will like the concept of paying monthly for their web hosting, as it is less of an financial outlay initially.
However, typically, the “per month” number is just the annual cost divided by 12 – you still have to payin advance for the full year, which in this example would be $119.88. That is a considerable monetary outlay; and by that point, you may be ‘sold’ on other features of the plan and will just go ahead and pay it – despite the fact that you may be able to find less costly service elsewhere. The initial cheap cost “per month” is utilized to appeal to the eye and lure you in, and then hit you with the full price when you don’t expect it.
Always keep an eye out for any asterisk use in web hosting advertising. Many companies will show the reality of what they are offering beneath the main sales message; so if you see asterisks, look to find their corresponding area in the terms and conditions. Doing this, you will be immune to flashy marketing banners, and will get a better deal because of it.
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