Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Play it Safe: Web Hosting for Beginners

We all know at least a little about internet safety. You’ve probably been told not to give out your password to others, to have different passwords for different websites and never share your full name when speaking to strangers. Even in locations where your information is supposed to be completely private, hackers may be able to still access. This used to cause people to avoid using the web for things such as banking or paying bills, although today there are a lot more preventative measures for these kinds of issues. What some of you may not know are the ways to stay safe when it comes to web hosting.

Hang on to Your Money

web host softwareThe World Wide Web is like a candy store for business owners. Without leaving the house you can build a following, share your products, services and content minus all of the excruciating work you had to do in the past. You can gain worldwide attention without breaking the bank and traveling the world. Most people will tell you to be cautious of free web hosting. Typically you aren’t going to be able to get much for nothing, but this will help you gain practice at organizing your thoughts. Free web hosting is generally only useful if you are brand new and want to get the feel for being a site owner before taking the full plunge and putting your money and time on the line.

Stability Can Make or Break

When researching various web hosting sites, make sure to look into the stability and reliability of the particular option. Comparing downtimes is one of the first things any future website owner should do along with considerations about which operating system to host on such as windows. About .1% per month is an acceptable number that shouldn’t cause you many issues. Think about some of your favorite websites and what kind of stability they have offered you. What types of things have frustrated you about other websites in the past? These are good questions to ask yourself so you can figure out what type of owner you want to be.

Shared and Dedicated Hosting

If you are just beginning your research related to web hosting, you may not have realized there are a few different ways you can go about getting what you’re looking for. For people who are expected to receive a lot of traffic, dedicated hosting is the way to go. This means your flash applications and streamed content will reach your consumers much quicker which is important when there is so much competition on the internet. When it comes to more simple sites, you should be perfectly fine using a shared server. This means your account is on a server with other people. Not only will this save you money but switching to dedicated is always a simple solution later on.

Receive the Support You Need

Nothing is worse than having an amazing site, fantastic content, happy customers and then finding out your technical team stinks. Make sure to read reviews related to the customer service speed and quality prior to choosing a hosting company. Customer service is everything, especially in a world where people aren’t seeing you face to face. They can quickly locate something better if not happy.

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